Session 8: Signal Processing for Communication Systems
  1. Danchi Jiang, Complex-Value Recurrent Neural Networks for Global Optimization of Beamforming in Multi-Symbol MIMO Communication Systems

  2. N. Adlband, M. H. Shariat, Mehrzad Biguesh, A Cooperative Method For Tx/Rx Matrix Estimation In A Multi-Antenna Communication System

  3. Xin Zhang, Wee Ser, Zhang Zhang, Anoop Kumar Krishna, Uniform Circular Broadband Beamformer with Selective Frequency Invariant Region

  4. Jean-Marc Valin, Daniel V. Smith, Christopher Montgomery, Timothy B. Terriberry, Low-Complexity Iterative Sinusoidal Parameter Estimation

  5. Ganesh R Naik, Dinesh K Kumar, Hans Weghorn, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Identification of number of independent sources in surface EMG recordings using over complete ICA

  6. M. A. Hosany , M. Z. Bocus, A Novel Decoding Algorithm for Reversible Variable Length Codes Based on the Massey Metric